Marshall Lions Club

Need Help?

If You or Someone You Know Needs Help or to Request a Donation

Contact Lions listed in Lions Contacts or any Lions member that you may know. Help or donation requests of a sensitive nature will be handled with the utmost discretion.

Tips for Requesting Help or Donations

Typically people requesting help or donations make their initial request to any Lions Club Member or directly to the Civic Affairs Chairperson to request help or monetary donations. The Civic Affairs Committee may ask the person or group to speak in front of the club at a future club meeting so all the club members can hear the request. If the request is for a kid’s organization, the kids should make the request themselves. Adults can also be present but do not have to be.

Be prepared with the following information when making a request for a donation

  1. Introductions and brief explanation of the group, project or need the funds are being requested for
  2. What other funding sources or fundraising efforts have been tried or will be?
  3. How much money is being requested?
  4. How close is the person or group to their goal?
  5. Why is this good cause for the Lions to support?
  6. When is money needed by and to whom/what organization? (name, address, phone, email)


Note: While we wish them the utmost success, the Marshall Lions do not support elite traveling sports teams or similar groups where there is not equal opportunity for others to play.

Come and Visit!

Want to see what were about? Attend a meeting on the 2nd Wednesday or last Thursday of each month. Contact Lion Paul for meetings details.

203 Hubbell Street, Marshall WI 53559

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